Analyse how symbolism was used to add meaning to one or more settings. How symbolism was used. Meaning of settings. Analyse how language features were used to reveal the true nature of one or more character. Language features. True nature of characters. Analyse how the use of language features shaped your response to one or […]

Logos Ethos Pathos Logos Logos is an appeal to logic. The use of a logical appeal can enhance a persuasive speech by supplying information that is undeniable. It creates an argument that is hard to rebut because with facts to support your argument it becomes less of opinion and simply a statement of what is […]

Identifying figures of speech in sentences. metaphor simile pun hyperbole statement/cliche assonance jargon sarcasm oxymoron rhyme

Statement of Intent I am writing a creative writing piece about a park that used to be by my house. I want to express through my writing how beautiful I believe the earth is and how magical it can make you feel. My writing is inspired by recent news about global warming. I hope that […]

I went* to the shop on Monday* morning.* My* favourite* colour is* purple*. The house* was creaky,* old and damp but I wasn’t* scared. It was* a cold and* rainy day. They’re* safe in their car. “He’s* my favourite*” mum said. The woman in was waiting The dogs were/are barking. EDITING CHECKLIST: used the 5 […]

Faster and faster she spun until it felt like she could soar off into the sky at any moment. Her eyes struggled to keep up as the space around was whisked into a vibrant green. Abby’s mind was frozen with anticipation, were the stories true? The wind began to play with her, dancing around Abby […]

His fists clenched as tears escaped his fearful eyes Racing, her heart was beating fast, fearful of the question she had to ask. Shivering, her skin pricked as the ice entered h

Words used to describe a relationship between two or more things. “Her bag was UNDER the chair” // “They arrived ON Monday” example sentence: exact middle on on and on into round opened out on on another upstairs on the same floor on the left-hand side going in looking over beyond down Beyond the vast […]

List: enormous revolting fantastic terrifying disgusting gigantic amazing blasting my sentence: This morning I rose from my enormous bed and brushed my amazing teeth, before continuing to crawl up a gigantic hill into the terrifying school grounds. example sentence: what: city, rain. example sentence: what: the person body, eyes. example sentence: what: winter images: the […]

The weeping tree drooped with despair. The trees danced in the wind as their reflections struggled to keep up. The surrounding trees sighed as the chair bathed in the sun. The house crushed the wicked witch as the grass swayed with glee.